Benvinguts Panxes

Descubreix la gastronomia de Mallorca y més

Un viatge culinari per les illes Balears i el món.

Sobre Nosaltres: Panxes Blaves

Un grup gastronòmic a Mallorca, dedicat a compartir experiències culinàries, vins excepcionals i l'amor per la nostra bella illa. Uneix-te a nosaltres en aquest viatge gastronòmic!

A bottle of wine labeled 'Estel Mallorca 2015' is placed prominently in the foreground. The label features a constellation motif with black dots and lines on a white background. Behind the bottle, there is a blurred, inviting spread of snacks or appetizers, set on a wooden board and partially visible, suggesting a casual dining or gathering atmosphere.
A bottle of wine labeled 'Estel Mallorca 2015' is placed prominently in the foreground. The label features a constellation motif with black dots and lines on a white background. Behind the bottle, there is a blurred, inviting spread of snacks or appetizers, set on a wooden board and partially visible, suggesting a casual dining or gathering atmosphere.



Gastronomia, Vi, Cultura

Mallorca, Passió

A vintage-style sign is mounted on a corner wall, depicting a woman in traditional attire holding a container. The text on the sign reads 'Mallorcaria' at the top and 'Vins' at the bottom. The sign appears weathered, adding an old-world charm.
A vintage-style sign is mounted on a corner wall, depicting a woman in traditional attire holding a container. The text on the sign reads 'Mallorcaria' at the top and 'Vins' at the bottom. The sign appears weathered, adding an old-world charm.


Descobreix els nostres moments gastronòmics i experiències a Mallorca.

A chef wearing a white uniform is serving a dish from a large pan filled with a colorful and hearty paella. The dish is rich with ingredients such as prawns, mussels, and vegetables, creating a vibrant and appetizing display. The background suggests a busy kitchen or food market environment.
A chef wearing a white uniform is serving a dish from a large pan filled with a colorful and hearty paella. The dish is rich with ingredients such as prawns, mussels, and vegetables, creating a vibrant and appetizing display. The background suggests a busy kitchen or food market environment.
A variety of gourmet dishes are artistically arranged on a wooden table. A black cast iron skillet contains seafood including shrimp and mussels accompanied by a slice of toasted bread. Nearby, a white plate holds a creamy dish adorned with a small garnish. A rectangular black platter features meat or poultry pieces with sesame seeds and greens. At the bottom of the image, a stoneware dish presents sliced meat served in a flavorful sauce with garnishes of greens and red chili peppers. Two glasses of wine, one white and one red, complement the dining setup.
A variety of gourmet dishes are artistically arranged on a wooden table. A black cast iron skillet contains seafood including shrimp and mussels accompanied by a slice of toasted bread. Nearby, a white plate holds a creamy dish adorned with a small garnish. A rectangular black platter features meat or poultry pieces with sesame seeds and greens. At the bottom of the image, a stoneware dish presents sliced meat served in a flavorful sauce with garnishes of greens and red chili peppers. Two glasses of wine, one white and one red, complement the dining setup.
A gourmet dish is presented on a textured, circular plate. The dish features seared meat with a dark, charred exterior, accompanied by bright yellow mango chunks and garnished with fresh greens and herbs. Small legumes or grains surround the main components, providing contrast in color and texture. The setting is a polished dark wooden table with blurred elements in the background.
A gourmet dish is presented on a textured, circular plate. The dish features seared meat with a dark, charred exterior, accompanied by bright yellow mango chunks and garnished with fresh greens and herbs. Small legumes or grains surround the main components, providing contrast in color and texture. The setting is a polished dark wooden table with blurred elements in the background.

Contacta'ns per a compartir experiències gastronòmiques

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A close-up of a beautifully plated gourmet dish on a white plate, featuring a circular pastry or meat item garnished with fresh herbs and vegetables. The setting appears to be a fine dining restaurant, with elegant table settings including wine glasses, cutlery, and another plate in the background. The tablecloth is light-colored and the overall ambiance suggests a sophisticated dining experience.
A close-up of a beautifully plated gourmet dish on a white plate, featuring a circular pastry or meat item garnished with fresh herbs and vegetables. The setting appears to be a fine dining restaurant, with elegant table settings including wine glasses, cutlery, and another plate in the background. The tablecloth is light-colored and the overall ambiance suggests a sophisticated dining experience.